By Kristy McCaffrey
I recently came across an old post on Facebook from a few
years back in which my author friends were challenging one another to reveal
seven things about their writing life. And since I’ve been a bit brain dead
lately from promoting my latest release, I thought I’d regurgitate my response
into a blog post. Reuse and recycle, as my husband likes to say.
1. An early spark of interest in writing occurred when I was
young and read Mary Stewart’s King Arthur Trilogy. I remember wondering how in
the world she came up with her dialogue.
2. My first real writing happened in high school. I penned fan
fiction in Anne McCaffrey’s Dragonriders of Pern universe (I’m not related to
her, unfortunately). I had one of my Pern stories published in a fanzine. I was
so very excited. I have to give a shout-out to my mom because she helped me to
write it.
3. My first published novel was also the first full-length book
I ever wrote (The Wren). I had
no rejection letters. (I have some now.) I was with a small press run by a
wonderful woman who gave me a break, but the editor she assigned did very
little editing and I was too green to do anything about it. I’ve since cleaned
up that early version, although it’s still not my most polished book. But it’s
one of my favorites, teaching me much about plot, character, and writing from
the heart.
4. Why I started out writing westerns is a mystery to me because
it’s so dang hard. I know nothing about guns or horses, and history was never
my favorite subject in school. However, I’m anal about research and always do
quite a bit for each project.
5. My writing routine has changed over the years, but one
constant remains—writing a story is like riding a rollercoaster with my eyes
closed. I hang on and hope I’m good enough to get to the end.
6. I figure out most of my story problems when I first wake up.
My husband thinks I’m a late sleeper, but I’ve usually been awake for a while
before heading to the kitchen. (Hubby and I both work from home.)
7. I tend to see stories in symbols. (I view everyday life this
way, too.) I’m always looking for archetypal moments in a tale, times when
there’s a double-meaning in a scene, or a larger picture than what the details
convey. This isn’t a fast process, and I’ve frequently come up short when
trying to finish a work quickly. I’ve always felt that writers are, in essence,
healers. A good story can patch up a weary soul.
Time to get back on the rollercoaster…
Did you know there's a free follow-up novella to my new book DEEP BLUE? Sign up for my dedicated Pathways newsletter and get the download code today for a digital copy of DEEP BLUE: AUSTRALIA.
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